Attitude Status in English | 1000+ Attitude Quotes in English
Attitude Shayari is a popular genre of poetry that reflects a person's outlook towards life, love, and relationships. It is a form of expression that captures the essence of one's personality and reflects their self-confidence, self-esteem, and individuality. Attitude Shayari is often used by individuals to showcase their attitude and assert their opinions, beliefs, and values.
Attitude Shayari can be found in various languages, including Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, and English. It is a form of poetry that is relatable and appeals to people of all ages and backgrounds. Attitude Shayari can be witty, humorous, sarcastic, or even aggressive, depending on the message that the poet wants to convey.
The popularity of Attitude Shayari has grown significantly in recent years, especially among the younger generation. Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook are flooded with Attitude Shayari posts, which are widely shared and appreciated by netizens.
In conclusion, Attitude Shayari is a powerful form of poetry that reflects an individual's personality, beliefs, and values. It is a genre that resonates with people of all ages and backgrounds and has become an integral part of popular culture. Attitude Shayari is a form of self-expression that allows individuals to showcase their attitude and assert their opinions and beliefs
Best attitude shayari hindi in English, bad boy attitude shayari English
हम अगर हमेशा खुद से प्यार करें,तो दुनिया हमेशा हमसे प्यार करेगी।
Attitude boy quotes |
If we always love ourselves,
Then the world will always love us.
हम न उन्हें अच्छा लगेंगे,और न हमें उनकी तारीफ करने वाले,हम खुद के दम पर चलते हैं,इसमें हमें कोई शक नहीं होता।
We won't be liked by them,
Nor will we have people praising us,
We walk on our own strength,
We have no doubt about that.
आए जाने जीवन बीमा क्या है 👇👇
मैं इतना अहम हूँ कि,अगर मैं आँखें फेरूँगा भी,तो भी सबका नज़र मेरे ही साथ होगा।
I am so important that,
Even if I close my eyes,
Everyone's gaze will still be on me.
न मैं बदलता हूँ अपनी आदतें,और न ही मैं तबदील होता हूँ अपनी सोच की,मैं वही हूँ जो हमेशा था,बस थोड़ी अलग नज़रिए से देखा जाता हूँ।
I don't change my habits,
Nor do I change my way of thinking,
I am still the same as I always was,
I am just seen from a slightly different perspective.
I hope you find these shayaris on attitude to be enjoyable and inspiring.
Attitude shayari
Here are a few more Hindi shayaris on attitude that you may enjoy:
खुद को इतना बदलिए कि,दुनिया आपको देखते ही उदास हो जाए।
Change yourself so much,
That the world becomes sad just by seeing you.
हम अगर सफल होते हैं,तो लोग हमारे साथ होते हैं,और अगर हम हार जाते हैं,तो लोग खुद ही दूर चले जाते हैं।
If we succeed,
People are with us,
And if we lose,
People leave on their own.
हमें खुश रहना है तो,दुनिया को अपनी मजबूरियों का हिसाब न देना होगा।
If we want to be happy,
Then we don't have to give the world an account of our helplessness.
लोग हमेशा हमारे बारे में बोलेंगे,चाहे हम उच्चारण करें या गलती करें,पर अगर हम जो करते हैं,उससे वो बढ़कर हमें जानेंगे।
People will always talk about us,
Whether we pronounce correctly or make mistakes, But if what we do,
That is what they will recognize us for.
I hope you find these attitude shayaris to be enjoyable and inspiring.
तेरे स्टाइल से जीता हैं जहाँ मेरा दिल,तू तो धोखेबाज हैं मगर अकेला मैं फीका हूँ।
My heart wins over the world with your style, You may be a cheat but I am nothing alone.
जो तुमसे नाराज़ होते हैं उनको मनाने का मजा ही कुछ और है,क्योंकि जो हमसे नाराज़ होते हैं उन्हें तो भूल जाना हमारी आदत है।
It is fun to convince those who are angry with you, because forgetting those who are angry with us is our habit.
जब तुम अपनी ज़िन्दगी के किसी सपने के पीछे भागते हो,तो मैं अपनी ज़िन्दगी को अपनी मर्ज़ी से जीता हूँ।
When you run after a dream in your life, I choose to live my life on my own terms.
जो लोग मुझे कहते हैं मैं ज़िन्दगी से हार गया हूँ,उन्हें तो नहीं पता कि मैंने जीत के बदले में सिर्फ अपनी मर्ज़ी हारी है।
Those who say I have lost to life,
they don't know that I have only lost my own will in exchange for victory.
मैं इतना बुरा नहीं हूँ जितना तुम समझते हो,मेरी अहमियत से पता लगता हैं कि तुम मेरे जैसे हो।
I am not as bad as you think,
your importance makes it clear that you are just like me.
Shayaris on boy attitude in Hindi with English
"दोस्तों के बीच खड़े रहना तो सभी को आता है,पर सबके दिल में राज़ रखना तो बस जुदाई वाले जानते हैं।"
Standing amongst friends,
everyone knows how to do it, But only those who have experienced separation know how to keep secrets in their hearts."
"हम तो आदत से मजबूर हैं,अपने दुश्मनों को भी सलाम करते हैं,जिस दिन हम इन्हें याद न करें,तब समझ लेना कि हम मर चुके हैं।"
We are habituated to this,
Even our enemies we greet with respect,
The day we stop remembering them,
Understand that we are already dead.
"जीत हमारी होती है बस अकेले ही,पर हार जाते हैं सब लोग साथ दे कर।"
"We win alone,
But people lose together."